Tuesday 22 February 2011

Michele Bachmann Tiptoes

Surveys and focus groups show that the number of voters still question his faith and nationality of the GOP primary Obama. So I asked Obama's potential challenger, Michele Bachmann, the dispute on the morning after the exchange "GMA."

Stephanopoulos: You know, a significant number of GOP primary voters still question his faith and nationality of Obama. Can you tell us clearly that Obama is a Christian, and he is a citizen of the United States?

Bachmann: Well, me not to say that it is the chairman of the state. And I think the President -

Stephanopoulos: Do you have?

Bachmann: When the President made the remark, I think we should defend their own.

Stephanopoulos: But he said very clearly, I am asking if you believe.

Bachmann: Well, I think we should take the president at his word.

Stephanopoulos: But you can not say - you can not sit here and say that he is a citizen and a Christian?

Bachmann: You know what I focus on today is the anniversary of two-year rehabilitation program where we ensure 1000000000000 $ to go not that unemployment is eight per cent. That's what I'm afraid, because people in the 6th District in Minnesota is very concerned about the affected job creation.

Wish Michele Bachmann for her Tiptoes


  1. Can't let it go, can you George? YOU are coming across as the looney tune now. You have a person considering running for President, and you continue to use whatever Rahm and Carville tell you to bring up.

  2. my God Jim! I used to think you are one of the best people in Washington and very good on TV until recently. And to watch you constantly back to the people / subject and Christian faith was totally sick and see how far you went to the left and how long you are changing for the trial, the mood that runs through our country by our citizens. Stick to issues that matter to our citizens and affect our lives in some way and not stop valuable time to ask questions. This country is in a really bad situation now, and it would be nice to see people have their say in the mass media at all in Washington pressing for questions and will do what they do or to change our situation. I'm back to FOX!

  3. Shame on you Jim. Why don't you go directly to Obama and ask him if he's a Christian, if you want to know so badly. Our country is bankrupt and Obama keeps spending. Why not ask some real questions George? You should show more respect for your viewers than to waste our time with trash questions like this.
